Single in the City: A Real-Life Tale of a Text and what Transpired...

December 1, 2010 1:53 PM

John Doe: Hey Reina, long time no talk! Been thinking about you. Wondering if this might be better timing for us to go out??? (His name).

2:27 PM

Gallerista: I'm not dating.

3:32 PM

JD: Still?

Gallerista: Yes


Gallerista: Don't want to.

JD: I think we would be good. Just go out w/me...udon't have to date anyone else!

3:52 PM

Gallerista: I'm happy being alone right now.

4:22 PM

JD: Ps, what are you doing work-wise these days?

Gallerista: I work at an art gallery why?

JD: Curious. Figured I could help u financially and...we could date.

4:57 PM

Gallerista: I'm not sure how to respond to this but to say I'm apalled. 

JD: Oh come on, don't be such a prude!

Gallerista: I don't think I am.

JD: Ok...well it's not apalling, if u were my g i would be halping you, taking us on vacations, paying for all. So if we can't date, but have a sexual friendship, i don't mind helping u

Gallerista: Thank you, but that's not my style

JD: If u change your mind i am open to it, its not like we didn't like each other anyway!

Gallerista: As friends, we never had a physical or romantic relationship.

JD: No, but when u accepted a date w/ me 1st time there was an attraction. We never had a physical relationship cuz of the stuff u told me about, not kissing and...u know!

5:15 PM

Gallerista: I guess I was a bit naiive. I didn't realize it was a date.

JD: Oh come on!

Gallerista: True story

JD: That's such bs. Right...I ask u out, pick u up, take u out to dinner @ a romantic place, pay, open your doors...that's what your buds do? Please!

Gallerista: Actually, they do.

JD: That's cuz they're still trying to f**ck you because you haven't told em the friend thing, just like you didn't tell me! I forgot you're a lesbian anyway

Gallerista: You need therapy. You're disgusting. Delete my number.


Now that I have your attention, this is the backstory:

One year ago I met an elder man who I suspected was attracted to the opposite sex, he invited me to an art opening. My interest in the subject and comfort in the fact that he was not attracted to me prompted my acceptance of said invitation. Once we had departed the exhibition I soon realized this was what HE had intended as a "date" much to my surprise. The text came on Dec. 1st, 2010 without as much as a "hello" in between.

I do my best not to pass judgment on people, life can be difficult to get through at times and we all have bad days but this was beyond the pale.  

Many have tried to dissuade me from publishing this here but I think it a grave injustice not to expose the gritty reality of what women go through in this city (L.A.) even in this day and age. I'm sure this isn't the first time it's happened, nor the last but at least this may open a dialogue about what does occur behind closed texts and the way women are treated in our society and why.

Please feel free to share your experiences and allow an exchange of opinions as I am curious about what is happening in our culture today.   

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